Saturday, February 18, 2023

The World of Emily Windsnap 1: Emily's Big Discovery

Written by: Liz Kessler and Joanie Stone

Why you should read this book: This is an easy reader retelling of the first part of the first novel in the popular Emily Windsnap series, in which a little girl who is not allowed to swim, despite living on a boat and regularly being made to hang out on the beach, discovers that she is a mermaid. The first time she tries to swim, she's frightened by the strange sensations in her body, but intrigued enough to try again. Once she enters the ocean, grows a tail, and realizes she can breathe underwater, Emily meets another young mermaid, learns some mermaid slang, and makes a friend for life.

Why you shouldn't read this book: I'm sorry, but are we supposed to believe that Emily Windsnap went 11 years without taking a bath?

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