Monday, August 29, 2022

The Absolutely True Story...

Written by: Willo Davis Roberts

First line: My mom thoughts the Rupes were a nice, normal middle-class family.

Why you should read this book: It's got all of Roberts's trademark themes: normal "good" kids, messed up "bad" kids who lack adult supervision or guidance, adults who are so ridiculously oblivious/caught up in their own psychological problems that they don't even notice the horrible things that are going on right in front of their eyes, and really horrible things going on right in front of adults' eyes. Normal, "good" siblings Lewis and Alison are invited to go on a fantasy road trip with the Rupes, to serve as companions/babysitters for the Rupes "bad" kids while the parents basically ignore the children, and the rules of the road, and of common decency, and the fact that they're being stalked across the country by actually bad men, and everything else. Includes some nice descriptions of Yellowstone National Park.

Why you shouldn't read this book: It is a little bit silly.

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