Friday, March 18, 2022

The Last Halloween 1: Children

Written by: Abby Howard

First line: Did he die?

Why you should read this book: This is another graphic novel that I originally read in webcomic form, and if you like weird-weird-weird and creepy comics, this is the story for you. The boundary between the worlds of humans and monsters has been breached, and 10-year-old Mona finds herself fighting for her life in the company of the undead just to survive the night and potentially put an end to the terror, but mostly just to not die. It's wacky, and contains graphic depictions of many humans, monsters, and undead creatures dying or being horribly maimed, and it's pretty much a very well illustrated and organized nightmare. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: You're not into dead, dying, and maimed humans, monsters, and undead.

Buy The Last Halloween 1: Children from Amazon here

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