Sunday, November 28, 2021

Paying for It: A Comic-Strip Memoir about Being a John

Written by: Chester Brown

First line: June 1996: Can we talk?

Why you should read this book: After an amicable breakup—he remains roommates with his ex while she moves on with a new live-in boyfriend—Chester determines that he has no interest in relationships, although he's still plenty interested in sex. Following a lot of soul-searching, false starts, research, self-doubt, and mounting desire, he begins paying for sex with a series of professional sex workers, much to his own great satisfaction, and his friends' vocal disgust. This graphic memoir protects the identity of the sex workers: he conceals their faces and ethnicity and changes their hairstyles and names, while reproducing their speech in such a way as to put a more useful face on the concept of sex work and give the women honest voices, although the narrative focuses primarily on Chester's feelings and experience. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: You're an unashamed SWERF.

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