Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Worst Witch and the Wishing Star

Written by: Jill Murphy

First line: Squalling rain and a biting wind buffeted the pupils of Miss Cackle's Academy as they struggled to read the school in time for the first day the Winter Term.

Why you should read this book: Mildred and company are seniors, and while Mildred continues to struggle valiantly to follow the rules—she's the only senior to abide by the "all witches must carry a cat on their broomstick" rule on the first day of school even though she has the worst possible cat for the job—the rules keep getting more difficult. Seniors are assigned jobs within the school, and Mildred has a tough one: she must light all the lanterns on one side of campus every evening and put them all out every morning. To her great delight, this task allows her to make the acquaintance of a dog, who turns out to be a much more talented flier than her assigned cat, and even though witches don't keep dogs and pets aren't allowed at Cackle's, this little doggy, like Mildred herself, knows how to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, and even manages to win over the unwinnable Miss Hardbroom.

Why you shouldn't read this book: Everything is Ethel's fault. Again. The grotty little liar.

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