Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Tea Dragon Society

Written by: Katie O'Neill

First line: Once upon a time, blacksmiths were as important as magicians.

Why you should read this book: Greta, an adorable little humanoid being with goblin blood, has already made a lifelong commitment to study the ancient art of black smithing, which is still an honorable profession even though magic and technology in her world are sufficiently advanced as to make swords and the classical forging of swords something of an anachronism. One day she finds a lost tea dragon, a small and helpless creature that develops a powerful bond with its owner and grows magical tea leaves, and becomes friends with various tea dragon owners: Hesekial (some type of anthro creature; I wasn't sure if he was supposed to be a dragon or a llama or what), his partner Erik (human humanoid), who uses a wheelchair after losing the use of his legs adventuring with Hesekial, and Minette, a mysterious girl (she has antlers and what seems to be a unicorn horn but is otherwise human) with a mysterious problem from her mysterious past. Through the love of tea dragons, Greta finds a way to get close to Minette and help her deal with her fears while both girls learn about friendship, love, and tea dragon stewardship.

Why you shouldn't read this book:  You can't handle precious and adorable things.

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