Tuesday, July 29, 2014
The Year I Didn’t Go To School
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8:50 PM
rave reviews
Labels: children, memoir, non-fiction, plays, travel
Stan Lee’s How to Draw Comics
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8:49 PM
rave reviews
Labels: art, graphic novel, how-to, non-fiction
Lost Girls
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8:46 PM
rave reviews
Labels: adolescents, banned, children, fiction, graphic novel, healing, identity, monsters, psychology, sexuality, speculative, unusual, war, women
Monday, July 21, 2014
Calamity Jack
Written by: Shannon and Dean Hale
First line: I think of myself as a criminal mastermind...with an unfortunate amount of bad luck.
Why you should read this book: It's basically a sequel to the delightful Rapunzel's Revenge, with Jack (he of beanstalk climbing fame) at the story's center. This book begins long before he meets Rapunzel, setting him up as a bit of a rapscallion whose mischievous tendencies develop out of necessity of living life impoverished in the big city, skipping over the bit covered in the first book, and then jumping back into the story as Jack and Rapunzel return to the city, with Jack wondering how to confess his love to the dynamic, hair-wielding woman. Together, they take on a legion of evil, man-eating giants and restore order to their civilization.
Why you shouldn't read this book: Not quite as clever or fun as the first one, but still a good read.
Posted by
10:19 PM
rave reviews
Labels: family, fear, fiction, graphic novel, legend, love, monsters, speculative
The DC Comics Guide to Writing Comics
Written by: Dennis O'Neil
First line: Here's what I'd like you to do for me: Make me laugh.
Why you should read this book: While this book won't teach you how to write, it will provide all the basic data you'll need to know if you wish to write a comic book script. Although it does begin with a chapter called "What Are Comics?" it's written at a fairly high level and assumes that the reader has probably read quite a few comics in his or her life, and is actually looking for professional information and definitions, not wondering what a comic is. I particularly liked the many different scripts, all taken from actual, published books and showing different styles of writing, that the author chose; in addition, his illustrations come from popular DC titles through time, so even if the reader is unfamiliar with the particular issue, there's an excellent chance to still understand the single pages presented here and there, because the characters and themes are likely familiar.
Why you shouldn't read this book: You don't want to write comics.
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10:06 PM
rave reviews
Labels: books, graphic novel, how-to, non-fiction, words, writing
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Native American Classics
Edited by: Tom Pomplun
First line: Beside the open fire I sat within our tepee.
Why you should read these books: Normally, I'm not a fan of the illustrated classics series, but this one did a great job of bringing together a lot of overlooked work. These stories and poems originate in the late nineteenth century, with a few pieces from the very early twentieth century, and bring to life a particular sense of time and place, a world of a culture struggling to survive against a force hellbent on eradicating it. A little inspiring, a little heartbreaking, this volume brings history and mythology to life.
Why you shouldn't read this book: I'd read two of these pieces previously, and while they seem unchanged in this volume, I might want to read the originals to see if I'm missing anything.
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7:04 PM
rave reviews
Labels: animals, death, fiction, graphic novel, history, identity, land, non-fiction, poetry, short stories
Written by: Cornelia Funke
First line: Rain fell that night, a fine, whispering rain.
Why you should read this book: Meggie never knew the truth about where her mother has been for the last nine years, or why her father refuses to read anything aloud, or even how these two mysteries are linked, but the night Dustfinger stands outside her window in the rain, she starts to uncover the truth. There are dark, dangerous, somewhat supernatural things afoot, and Meggie, along with her misanthropic, bibliophile great-aunt, must confront terror both very fictional and very, very real. A story that assumes magic exists beneath the surface of everything, and courage lives in the hearts of children.
Why you shouldn't read this book: Book burning. Deliberate incineration of precious, precious books.
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6:57 PM
rave reviews
Labels: books, fiction, monster, novel, speculative
The Everything Guide to Writing Graphic Novels
Written by: Mark Ellis and Melissa Martin Ellis
First line: Comic historian, artist, and visionary Jim Steranko described the genesis of modern comic books as a "dream that instantly developed into a full-scale industry."
Why you should read this book: It's a generalist's guide, touching on, as the title suggests, everything. There's a little about the history of comics, a little about writing in general, a little about illustration, a little about publishing. It's a fast read, with plenty of illustrations.
Why you shouldn't read this book: It's hard to imagine that anyone who is interested enough in writing graphic novels to pick up this book would need a detailed description of genre and what superheroes are; this book seems to be geared to young teenagers or someone who has never read an actual comic, and the authors' gratuitous use of their own work, offering up the same inexplicable pages over and over again, is not terribly impressive.
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6:35 PM
rave reviews
Labels: art, graphic novel, how-to, non-fiction, writing
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Burnt Books: Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav and Franz Kafka
Written by: Roger Kamenetz
First line: Once a tale was told by Rabbi Nachman about a wise man who journeyed to find a portrait of a humble king.
Why you should read this book: In 2003, I was supposed to take what sounded like an amazing class about Kafka and Kabbalah in Prague with Kamenetz, but apparently I was the only person who thought it sounded amazing, because no one else signed up, the class was cancelled, and I had to read the books on my own, meaning that I didn't learn anything about Kabbalah. This book seems like it might contain some kernel of what would have been in that course, as Kamenetz creates a magical history, comparing the lives of two renowned storytellers and bringing the ghosts of both men on his own mystical journey to enlightenment. It's sort of hard to sum up what this book is actually about, but its an amazing voyage through literature, psychology, religion, belief, faith, magic, fear, hope, and mysticism, which kept my interest to the last page.
Why you shouldn't read this book: You would have signed up for the seminar about the Czech revolution.
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1:44 PM
rave reviews
Labels: biography, history, Judaism, non-fiction, short stories, speculative, spiritual, travel, unusual, writing
The Beasts of Tarzan
Written by: Edgar Rice Burroughs
First line: "The entire affair is shrouded in mystery," said D'Arnot.
Why you should read this book: They wouldn't let Tarzan kill his enemy at the end of book two, and now the guy is back and seeking vengeance with a trap so transparent that only a pair of innocents like Tarzan and Jane could be reasonably expected to fall into it. Now they're back in the jungle, separated, without any knowledge of what's become of the other, or their kidnapped infant son, but Tarzan has a new secret weapon: an army of apes and a faithful panther who are all more than happy to kill for him. Tarzan gets to fight his way through impossible odds for his family while flexing his manly physique and escaping certain death.
Why you shouldn't read this book: The ending is almost as stupid as the ending of the first book.
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1:37 PM
rave reviews
Labels: animals, classic, death, fiction, novel, series, speculative
The Return of Tarzan
Written by: Edgar Rice Burroughs
First line: "Magnifique!" ejaculated the Countess de Coude, beneath her breath.
Why you should read this book: Picking up shortly after book one leaves off, this sequel finds Tarzan masquerading as a refined French gentleman, attempting to cope with heartbreak and yearning, and bristling under the laws of man. Depending on his own jungle morality, he makes a terrible enemy of a unscrupulous Russian spy and eventually descends down the evolutionary chain to return to his wild existence. Coincidence upon coincidence stack one atop the other until everything resolves more or less to his satisfaction.
Why you shouldn't read this book: You're more into believable narratives than happy endings.
Posted by
1:25 PM
rave reviews
Labels: africa, animals, classic, death, fiction, love, middle east, novel, series, speculative, travel
Tarzan of the Apes
Written by: Edgar Rice Burroughs
First line: I had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, or to any other.
Why you should read this book: Following a series of unfortunate events, young Lord Graystoke is adopted by a caring, maternal "anthropoid ape," and, while slow to mature by ape standards, is able to succeed in ape society by the age of ten, and to transcend his upbringing by age seventeen. Using his human intelligence to make up for his human weakness, Tarzan challenges and defeats his enemies, teaches himself to read despite a lack of any knowledge of human language, and eventually impresses some haplessly marooned Americans, including the lovely Jane Porter. Whether bellowing over the body of a dead attacker, wooing a woman with whom he cannot speak, or devouring raw flesh with blood dripping down his face, Tarzan presents a very specific view of masculinity that still holds a place in the popular imagination.
Why you shouldn't read this book: Burroughs's racism flag flies high here, so high that you hardly even note the sexism. Also, the ending is very stupid and isn't resolved until two-thirds of the way through the second book.
Posted by
1:13 PM
rave reviews
Labels: africa, animals, classic, fiction, novel, series, speculative, violent