Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Covenant of Water

Written by: Abraham Verghese

First line: She is twelve years old, and she will be married in the morning.

Why you should read this book: An engaging multigenerational tale of a twentieth century Indian family, plagued by a mysterious condition that is marked by an extreme aversion to water (but little fear of anything else) and frequently results in deafness, a love of heights, and premature death by drowning. Each generation finds love, even in the face of suffering and adversity, but mourns helplessly when those afflicted with the Condition are lost. As science and medicine progress, perhaps there is hope that one day they can save their loved ones from this strange and confusing affliction. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: Kids die. 

The Pomegranate Gate

 Written by: Ariel Kaplan

First line: Naftaly was dreaming again, in that strange dreamlandscape where the stars whirled overhead like snow on the win and the people he met all had square-pupiled eyes.

Why you should read this book: In this powerhouse fantasy epic beginning in the Spanish Inquisition with the expulsion of the Jews, the narrative moves between that world and a parallel world populated with magical beings, a strange and even more dangerous place which both mirrors and influences the human realm. Separated from her family and the group of Jews fleeing the country, a young woman named Toba, who is both clever and clumsy stumbles through the gate into the land of the Mazik. This new place is complex, and operates by rules that Toba does not quite understand, but if she wants to survive she will have to untangle the mystery of her own past, and events that took places a thousand years before she was born. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: If you don't like really long books that end when things are getting really interesting because they're the first tome in an epic series, you shouldn't read really long books in epic series. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Written by: Shaun Tan

First line: Some years ago we had a foreign exchange student come to live with us.

Why you should read this book: Another absolutely stunning and surreal work by the artist, this small children's story presents a small protagonist, referred to as a "foreign exchange student," although his origin is...unclear. Eric looks sort of like a demon, and sort of like a leaf, and sort of like a shadow, and he is substantially tinier than whatever species his host family might be, and his worldview and life experience are clearly so different from ours that it's a struggle for the narrator and the reader to quite comprehend what he might be thinking. However, Eric is so interesting and appealing that the narrator and the reader both very much want to untangle the mystery of his inner experience, and see some part of the world through his eyes, and to know that his emotions are positive and that he feels safe and enjoys our world. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: You're deeply xenophobic and automatically reject anyone who is different from you. 

Among Flowers

Written by: Jamaica Kincaid

First line: One day, in the year 2000, I was asked to write a book, a small one, about any place in the world I wished and doing something in that place I liked doing. 

Why you should read this book: For reasons that may not seem reasonable to people who aren't professional writers and very avid gardeners, the author takes a grueling weeks-long hike through the mountains of Nepal to collect seeds. Along the way her life is threatened by Maoists; her conscious is wracked with guilt; she suffers from heat, cold, and various other privations not typically sought out by successful Americans; and she has, apparently, the time of her life. The result is a surprising and tidy travelogue unlike any story that I've ever read.

Why you shouldn't read this book: Usually, when I encounter a word I don't know, I look it up and write down the word and its definition, but if I had stopped to look up every single Latin plant name in this book, it would have taken me twice as long to read. 

Consumed, Reduced to Beautiful Ashes

Written by: Linda Addison

First line: Consumed, reduced to ashes,/beautiful grey,/light as angel wings

Why you should read this book: From the award-winning author, a poetry collection that is equal parts creepy and intense. These poems speak of death, of our fear of it, of the comfort of its inevitability, but also of love, and longing, and the knowledge that from ashes new things may grow. Addison's precise and loving use of language recreates the world in her image, with the knowledge that there is no darkness without light and no light without darkness, a balance that humanity must embrace, because we can never escape it. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: You prefer poems that rhyme and paint pretty pictures.

The Saga of Ilkay and Collected Stories

Written by: Natalie Wright

First line: Thundering hooves, a stampede of thirst compels them.

Why you should read this book: An entertaining collection of fairy tales, this slim volume is intended to represent a book found by a character in the author's Dragos Primeri series. The stories include those referenced in the books, as well as new stories that hint at relevance in later works, as well as poetry and illustrations. These are delightful tales of perseverance, determination, and love and may be enjoyed without reference to the original series.

Why you shouldn't read this book: It might be better if you had read the original series. 

American Terrorist

Written by: Tyler and Wendy Chin-Tanner and Andy MacDonald

First line: We're here. Everyone out.

Why you should read this book: Frighteningly prescient, relevant, and meaningful, this is modern and believable story of four ordinary American professionals--a lawyer, a schoolteacher, a scientist, and a journalist--who are branded as terrorists and outcasts for little more than wanting to speak truth to power. Owen is simply reporting on the stories that mainstream media outlets aren't interested in sharing when Hannah and Shannon, both troubled by the realization that the corporations they trusted have no honor and no concern for them, enter his life, and the three run to Michael for help. Realizing they can never clear their names or return to their old lives, they embark on a grass roots campaign of truth-telling and truth-revealing that have the power to create change in the only way that remains to them.

Why you shouldn't read this book: You think companies care about you. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Under the Wave at Waimea

Written by: Paul Theroux

First line: The one wild story that everyone believed about Joe Sharkey was not true, but this was often the case with big-wave riders.

Why you should read this book: Joe Sharkey had some rough moments in childhood, but his adulthood has been a series of glittering, golden satisfactions, built upon his achievements as a champion surfer in the eighties and nineties. Now happily retired from competition, comfortably wealthy, and pleasantly famous, he spends his days in the bliss of the big waves, every day brilliantly and beautifully perfect, until one day, when the sixty-two-year-old Joe Sharkey experiences his first less-than-perfect day in a long time. The aftermath might destroy him, or, with the guidance and encouragement of a very understanding woman, the way he handles tragedy might lead him to a new quest: something bigger and better and longer-lasting than the next big wave. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: Your father was career military, his father was career military, you're career military, and you can't imagine any scenario in which your child might choose some other life path. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Girls with Slingshots Volume 2

Written by: Daniel Corsetto

First line: She slammed into Thea's life at a roller derby bout and it was love at first collision. 

Why you should read this book: Volume 2 contains the second 1000 comics of this complete series, and begins to focus more seriously on the issues that were hinted at in volume 1: that everybody needs to grow up sooner or later, or else they will end up very lonely and unfulfilled. While Jamie works out her situation with Erin, Hazel loses Zack because she doesn't want to take the responsibility for life that Zack is seeking in a romantic partner. Although it's still fun and funny, things get real, with other characters moving in more adult phases of their life, eventually prodding Hazel to start thinking about her past, and the events that led to her character formation and her assumptions about the world.

Why you shouldn't read this book: You don't see why you should have to change when the world could just accommodate your desire for great sex and a cool apartment. 

Girls with Slingshots Volume 1

Written by: Daniel Corsetto

First line: If you've read Girls with Slingshots, you know that the classy exterior of these books encases a collection of dick and fart jokes (although not enough of either IMO), stories featuring a potty-mouthed cactus, Clarice the dominatrix flinging a dildo at her coworker's head, Hazel counting used condoms in the trash can to recall a drunken one-night stand, the death and resurrection of a gassy, deranged cat, the physically impossible game of Strip Laser Tag, lesbian sex in the employee's break room, hangovers, STDs, and a lot of puking.

Why you should read this book: Volume one contains the first 1000 comics (plus some new bonus comics) of this complete web series about a group of friends navigating their twenties and questions of sex, love, employment, housing. Hazel Tellington and her best friend Jamie McJack, along with a huge cast of characters (including cats and talking houseplants) drink, love, learn, and do all the insane things that cartoon young adults can get away with. In this volume, Hazel begins her writing career and falls in love with a cabdriver named Zack, while Jamie unpacks her complicated sexuality and falls for the asexual Erin. 

Why you shouldn't read this book: You're judgy about drinking and promiscuity.